Friday, September 3, 2010

Restore deleted public folder in Exchange 2010

Recently I had to recover a deleted Publicfolder.
Like I have done before, I started Exfolders -great tool, and makes it easy to recover a deleted Publicfolder.

But this was deleted 3 weeks ago, and deletion settings, was set to the default 14 days.

Ok, so I have to do a restore, and have lots of successful backups.
So no problem - I thought.

Thought I could just use a Recovery Database (RDB), like I do with a mailboxdatabase.
But this is not possible with a Publicfolderdatabase...

OK, then what to do?
The supported solution, from Microsoft, is to restore the PF-database to another exchange org.

So create an environment, with a DC, and an Exchagne2010 server.
Then restore the database to this server, and export the public folder with Outlook.

So the learning is, set the deletion setting on the Public folder database to a longer period...
At least that's what I'm going to do in the future.

Link to Exfolders, in case this could help you:

Link to RDB article, stating it's not possible to use RDB for Public folder databases:


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  3. Thanks for sharing this article. i want to share another software which recovers corrupted ost file easily and safely.
    For more information visit: Free OST to PST

  4. I have also tried manual solution which is stated above, but after facing so many issues I left this method. Then my friend suggested few other full proof solutions which helped me a lot to restore deleted public folder in Exchange 2010. You can also try these solutions:

  5. edb to pst recovery try stella edb to pst recovery software for more info visit this link
