Friday, September 24, 2010

Cannot add server to OAB distributionlist

The problem is that you cannot add a server to the OAB distributionlist, when one of the CAS (Client Access Server) are offline.

When opening the OAB, you'll wait for a LOONG time, and then get an error.

Now this is a rather large installation, but only one of the servers are offline:

When trying to press the "Add" button you'll get the following error:

Well the only solution, besides turning the machine on, that is turned of, is to set it with Powershell.

The thing to notice, is if you set the offline addressbook by using:
Set-OfflineAddressBook -Identity "\Default Offline Address Book" -VirtualDirectories "NEWSERVERNAME\OAB (Default Web Site)"
...then this NEWSERVER will be the only server in the offline addressbook's virtual directory!

So what I did, was to grab the existing Vdirs, and add the new one like this:
get-offlineaddressbook | fl
Then copy the existing  "VirtualDirectories"
They will be like this:
{SERVERNAME1\OAB (Default Web Site), SERVERNAME2\OAB (Default Web Site)}
Then run:
Set-OfflineAddressBook -Identity "\Default Offline Address Book -VirtualDirectories "SERVERNAME1\OAB (Default Web Site)", "SERVERNAME2\OAB (Default Web Site)","NEWSERVERNAME\OAB (Default Web Site)"
Notice the way I put the quotes. I didn't think it was the obvious way to do it, but it works :-)

If you only got one OfflineAddressBook you can run:
(you wont need to enter the identity)
Get-OfflineAddressBook| Set-OfflineAddressBook -VirtualDirectories "SERVERNAME1\OAB (Default Web Site)", "SERVERNAME2\OAB (Default Web Site)","NEWSERVERNAME\OAB (Default Web Site)"

The errors in text:
Error found when loading objects, please use command-line to query or edit full list. Error:
The task wasn't able to connect to IIS on the server SERVERNAME. Make sure that the server exists and can be reached from this computer: The RPC server is unavailable.
It was running the command: 'SERVERNAME\OAB (Default Web Site)' | Get-OabVirtualDirectory.

An IIS directory entry couldn't be created. The error message is The remote procedure call failed and did not execute.
HResult = -2147023169 It was running the command 'Get-OabVirtualDirectory'

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blackberry BIS issue, when running UAG

We have a scenario, where we started publishing Exchange 2010 (and Exchange 2007) with UAG (Unified Acces Gateway)
After that Blackberry BIS (Hosted Blackberry) users stopped working.
When trying to set up their account, we got an error that the Password was not correct.

We got some errors in the Apllication eventlog, but the didn't help.
Microsoft UAG, is running on top of Micrsoft TMG ( formerly ISA server), and we use that several places, without any problems. So we figured, that is had to be the UAG that caused the problem.

Then we discovered, that BIS is using UPN's (User Principal Name = user@domain.local), even though we use "domain\user" in the web interface.

And UAG is not set up to use UPN as standard.
We changed that by using this article:

That helped, the BIS users now works, and we don't get any error in the eventlog :-)

The errors we got in the application eventlog on the UAG server:
(bg is the username, for the BIS users)

Log Name:      Application
Source:        Microsoft Forefront UAG
Date:          14-09-2010 10:29:30
Event ID:      67
Task Category: None
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      XXXX.XXX.XX
A request from source IP address x.x.x.x on trunk owa; Secure=1 for application Internal Site of type InternalSite failed. The URL /InternalSite/logon.asp contains an illegal path. The rule applied is Default rule. The method is GET.

Log Name:      Application
Source:        Microsoft Forefront UAG
Date:          14-09-2010 10:29:28
Event ID:      51
Task Category: None
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      XXXX.XXX.XX
A request from source IP address x.x.x.x on trunk owa; Secure=1 for application Exchange services of type ExchangePub2010 failed because the  method used PROPFIND is not valid for requested URL /exchange/bg.

Log Name:      Application
Source:        Microsoft Forefront UAG
Date:          14-09-2010 10:29:27
EventID:      51
Task Category: None
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      XXXX.XXX.XX
A request from source IP address x.x.x.x on trunk owa; Secure=1 for application Unknown application name of type Unknown application type failed because the  method used PROPFIND is not valid for requested URL /bg.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Iphone 4 cannot send messages, but recives fine - with Exchange 2010

We had a problem, with Iphone ( Iphone4 ) users on Exchange 2010 SP1, published with UAG ( Unified Access Gateway server, includes TMG(Treath Management Gateway))
The Phones could synchronize mail, but only when recieving mail. When sending mails, nothing happened - no errors, and no indication that the mails was not send.

Exchange team, has a blog with "known issues" with Exchange 2010 SP1:
If you see bullet 7, there's a solution - but this didn't help us.

Then we saw, on other blogs, that we were not the only one with this problem - but none with solutions.

This problems, was solved, by updating the Iphone via Itunes...
We have found no description of the update, or any indication by Apple, that the problem should have been solved with a update.
But this was the case for us - hope this helps some of you with this problem.

But please notice, that the issue on the Exchange team blog, should be solved also - the update is not enough if the remote domain, is not made according to the blog.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Restore deleted public folder in Exchange 2010

Recently I had to recover a deleted Publicfolder.
Like I have done before, I started Exfolders -great tool, and makes it easy to recover a deleted Publicfolder.

But this was deleted 3 weeks ago, and deletion settings, was set to the default 14 days.

Ok, so I have to do a restore, and have lots of successful backups.
So no problem - I thought.

Thought I could just use a Recovery Database (RDB), like I do with a mailboxdatabase.
But this is not possible with a Publicfolderdatabase...

OK, then what to do?
The supported solution, from Microsoft, is to restore the PF-database to another exchange org.

So create an environment, with a DC, and an Exchagne2010 server.
Then restore the database to this server, and export the public folder with Outlook.

So the learning is, set the deletion setting on the Public folder database to a longer period...
At least that's what I'm going to do in the future.

Link to Exfolders, in case this could help you:

Link to RDB article, stating it's not possible to use RDB for Public folder databases:

Localized language in NDR's, in Exchange 2010

In Exchange 2010, there's a configuration parameter called "ExternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled"
In my situation, it meant that most of the error messages, the so called NDR's (Non Delivery Reports) or DSN's (Delivery Status Notification) was sent in Danish.
In an international Company, this is not what we want.

So I had to change the default language of the NDR's to be English instead of Danish.
This can be done by using the set-transportconfig command.
I did this:
get-transportconfig | set-transportconfig -ExternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled $false -ExternalDsnDefaultLanguage en-us -InternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled $false -InternalDsnDefaultLanguage en-us

So the autmatic language detection is turned of, and the default language is set to English

Please notice, in Exchange 2007, you can use set-transportserver instead.